Tax Cuts Work.

Make Them Permanent.


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is federal legislation that was passed and signed into law in 2017. The bill cut taxes for American families and businesses big and small, resulting in one of the strongest pre-pandemic economies in half a century. The law not only provided Main Street with extra cash to hire new employees, enhance the customer experience, and expand staff benefits, but its measures incentivized R&D and capital investment to grow operations.

Now, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is approaching its expiration date. If policymakers don’t act to extend the law by the end of 2025, Americans and small businesses will experience a tax hike. Help us educate policymakers about the benefits associated with the legislation and what it would mean if the law expired.

Share your story.

How Have the Tax Cuts Benefited You or Your Business?
And What Would It Mean if the Law Expired?

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We will contact people who have shared their stories. Your story may be shared on this site or in other venues, but only after discussing with you.